Tuesday, March 3, 2009

This Place Is Death

Wow, from the looks of this blog, one would assume that this film has been laid to rest. At sea.
But fret not, kids (seriously stop fretting, damn it). We're close to finishing the movie. Spine-crushingly close. I don't really know what that means. I have a freelance script deadline, or had one a week ago, that I'm finally working on tonight, so I drank 2 Red Bulls. And ate some Sweet Tarts. And then I got on here and blogged. That's why you're reading all of this. That or I came over to your house and am reading it aloud to you, which would not be surprising. Thank you for having me. Your roommate is kind of a jerk, though. I'm just saying.
Oh yeah, right, the movie. We're gonna be done on April 26th. Completely finished. You are impressed by this. It only took us a full year.
So there you go. Consider yourself updated. Hard.

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