Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's Become A Drug

In the process of shooting this movie, one of the most prevalent recurrences has been the way Jeff has chosen to respond to people who opt to use sarcasm for any form of self-expression. Jeff will stop what he's doing, look you in the eye, and with a face straighter than light, correct you or question you as if you were speaking literally.
I pulled up GarageBand today and happened to find the first half of our table reading we did back in May. I forgot we recorded this. I dropped the cursor to a random point in the timeline and hit play, and discovered that we had plenty of warning ahead of time for this crap:


Karyn said...

And it still makes me laugh. And I still love it. Dang it, what's wrong with me?

Anonymous said...

that's great. i'm glad you recorded that. now, if we ever have to prove in a court of law that jeff does this constantly, we can.

Anonymous said...

i love it.
i mean sometimes i hate it.
but mostly i love it.

Scott said...

just like the days of chuck......otherwise known as the "glory days".....also known as "the i wish seth and tyler would include me in on their video fun instead of never asking me to participate until i finally convince them to let me be in the thanksgiving special but they only really let me because i had a big orange Scout days".....

t.w.bedi said...

i "directed" the combat chuck thanksgiving special. seth was unable to attend the actual filming due to parental restrictions & regulations. thus, it is my contention that to this very day seth and tyler have yet to include you in "their video fun." also, you really pushed to have your scout in the special, making us film it driving over the curb so many times. all this and i still won't stop loving you.